Complete Once | Rest when needed | Modify as necessary

  1. Calisthenics burnout X 3:00 min
    Perform 10 jacks, 10 jump squats, 10 climbers, 5 push ups, 10 tuck crunches, continuously through round

  2. Alternating technical stand ups X 3:00 min
    Perform technical stand ups (watch on YouTube or watch in Fight Library) continuously on both sides of the body

  3. Footwork box step X 3:00 min
    From your fighting stance, trace a square with your movement, stepping properly in each direction, adding an Ali shuffle at the corners. Move 90 seconds in one direction, then back the other way.

  4. Alternating technical stand ups X 3:00 min
    Perform technical stand ups (watch on YouTube or watch in Fight Library) continuously on both sides of the body

  5. Calisthenics burnout X 3:00 min
    Perform 10 jacks, 10 jump squats, 10 climbers, 5 push ups, 10 tuck crunches, continuously through round


